Sunday, 21 January 2018

Planner update and Unicorns


Okay thought would give you an update on my planner. So far so good, did get a bit stressed if did not write anything 'To do' in a day but then thought, my time is mine to do what I like with it. Had always said that this year was about quality over quantity and no stressing. If I have a blank day because spent most of it reading, so what! Enjoy life as you only live once and each day is precious whatever your age.

For your info found another planner a lot cheaper and you print off as you want the sheets. Have to supply your own folder though but for the $12 good value for money.

The only problem I can see with this one, is would I print off the sheets as required, or slip into a lethargy for planning. I have to be firm with myself for any form of diary system. Start off well then drift into another realm.

However, this year so far I seem to be super organised and actually love to check the planner every day even if nothing much done.


I love these mystical characters and if you had not gathered from last week's teaser they are the start of a new collection. Not finished yet as have some more ideas to do but hopefully should all be done by the end of January.

Again have only made 1 of each piece as these will be made to order. Will take to my November event but sell what I have left from the start of the collection. This to me is one way to keep my stock down as going away from events apart from 2 this year to have a big sale of old stock.

Check out the other blogs at Sum of Their Stories

Until next week, have fun x


  1. Super organised, as always! I love your unicorns :).

  2. I loved reading about your planner! The unicorns are great.

  3. Sounds like the planner is going well - great. Maybe if you have invested a little money in a nice planner you have a built in motivation to use it regularly (can't waste all that money after all!)
    Your unicorn bits are lovely, I can't see the unicorn trend slowing down any day soon, they are just so magical!


Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and will publish as soon as possible.