Sunday, 5 March 2017

Almost Done

Well it has taken a long time mainly delayed due to illness but can now see the wood for the trees. Have to sort the fabric into correct boxes ie all the stripes, gingham and spots together. Plains, Floral etc. Do the labels when the new ink cartridge arrives, not sure how it happened as normally on top of ordering but ran out of black ink. The labels have been done already to print though and just need to be printed and clipped to the canvas cubes. 

This is part of the cupboard, all tidy with the ribbons in their boxes for ease of use.

Have been working on Saturday and Sunday some in the hoop pen holders and matching key fobs. My machine stitching away

The finished article. Will be sold as sets for £6, including pen, which I feel is a good price for a small gift.

With my sewing room all tidy my creativity is now flowing, the blocks and lethargy have gone. Can highly recommend de-cluttering it makes you feel so much better.

Check out the other blogs at Handmade Monday

Until next week when hopefully will have a lot more creations to share with you


  1. Those pen holders are so pretty!
    I love all your boxes, maybe I need to swap my boring cardboard ones for something nicer

  2. Your newly tidied cupboard looks great and the embroidered gifts look lovely x

  3. Your work is beautiful and your prices are more than reasonable - a positive steal. Glad to hear the decluttering is done and you are getting creative again :D #handmademonday

  4. Yay! Almost done - you must be delighted after all your hard work. I bet you'll really start to notice the difference now, you'll be able to put your hand straight onto anything you need.
    Your pen holder sets are so pretty, what an absolute bargain too at £6.


Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and will publish as soon as possible.