Sunday, 12 April 2015

What a beautiful week

Plants appearing and that yellow blob in the sky did not fail to make me smile. Warm enough to walk after lunch without a jacket, bliss. Spent a lot of time in the garden and a lot of money at the garden centres. This time we have invested in plants that stay for a few years, as small atm will fill the spaces with bedding plants for this year, to give some summer colour. My new chair has proved very useful in giving DH directions and greatly admired by the neighbours, lol.

March was National Craft month, think slipped past a lot of us Brits but as you know I got invited by Stampington magazine to post an item each day to their Pinterest board. Imagine my surprise when the newsletter arrived and on the collage was my crazy patchwork 'By the Sea' door pillow, they had over 700 posts so chuffed that a design of mine was chosen. First photo on the bottom row.

I had a lovely lady contact me about my Dragon Victorian Opera Bag, this was a bag done years ago and long sold, however she wanted 2 if possible for her and her sister. Fabric ordered and that is what I have been working on. This is a photo of the original.

A lot of gathering of slippery embroidered satin but perfect when fully made. This time I will overlock the edges of the satin first which will make the gathering easy, as less fraying. As it also cuts will overlock the first uncut edge, then without cutting away from the main fabric overlock the width required, then repeat for the second bag. Loving my overlocker and can be used for so many things, wonder how I managed without it.

Vicky has invited me to be part of her next 'Meet The Maker', a big thank you to Vicky and it was fun to take part. Check out the other blogs on Handmade Monday, just click on the image below:

Until next week


  1. Congratulations on your Stampington feature.
    The weather has been very lovely this past week- I'm really hoping it continues!

  2. It's dangerous for me and DH to go into garden centres! haha we always spend too much...and if it has a cafe, well bliss! Well done in having your cushion on the front page.

  3. How exciting to have your design featured! Congrats. I love this opera bag you are making. Enjoy your garden and I hope you have lots of sun, too :)

  4. Congratulations to be featured on the front page. Thanks for sharing a little more about yourself on Handmade Monday

  5. That cushion's beautiful, of course they chose it!

  6. Well done you for getting on the News Letter :) What a lovely surprise :)

  7. How lovely to have your work in the front page:) the weather has been fab:)


Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and will publish as soon as possible.