Well what a week with the weather, howling winds, rain so heavy found several broken umbrellas left abandoned and lonely in the litter bins when walking Shiloh, that is when we could coax him out the door, appears he thinks he can shrink if he gets wet!
Not sure why but the first part of the week is more computer work and this week have been trying so hard to send pic's off to Tracey at Wow the correct size for the Press Loft campaign but Safari mail kept shrinking said picture, finally managed to send as individual emails on Thursday via BTYahoo, email gone to Apple to ask why! I think something to do with the sending capacity auto shrinks to make it easier if smaller to send but can I find the box to turn off?
Now Friday was far more productive, did humm and harr about whether to start the pinafore dresses or make some Jubilee gifts, the Jubilee handbag won.
Found a new machine embroidery design site very Goth and Steam Punk Chic. Just fell in love with this union jack heart and roses teamed with the pink and white stripe cotton a perfect handbag. The flag is muted colours rather than the harsh red, white and blue as felt more vintage.
Telephone Box Key Fob
Fun key fob should have a split ring at the end of the hoop but can I find them? will be added once the order has been delivered later this week.

Not as much to offer as I would have liked, as said before the computer wastes so much time but worth it. Took some pic's of the rhododendron in the garden this was planted some years ago and this is the first year with proper blooms, I love the frills of the petals reminds me of a huddle of fairies dancing across the leaves. Not sure of the name but palest pink with a hint of white so pretty.

This week feeling French and Alice in Wonderland! plus more ideas for a Patriotic feel and you never know may get down to making the pinafores with mock aprons that also where planned this week. Just looked at my 'To Do' better get stitching as reads like war and peace, sigh! where are those pesky fairy helpers when you want them? instead got one unhelpful dog!
Check out the other blogs at
1st Unique Gifts along with what Wendy has been up to the past week.
Fallen out with Mum & Dad as do not like the rain and the wind makes my ears resemble airman's hat flaps!