Flower Pot Snowman

Scented Silk Flower Cones
Embroidered Flannels
Stitching mice this week both for Christmas and not and trying to sort through MIL's attic, dread to think what we may find, also going to have a go and beading baubles for the tree.
If you are an avid fan of Jane Austen check out the blog for the Writer in Residence, a taste of Hampshire Heritage.
A mini history lesson for my American Friends:
British Summer Time
I have mentioned about us turning our clocks back and I know may seem a bit odd but we have been changing our clocks forwards and backwards in the UK since 1916. It's all to do with saving the hours of daylight, and was started by a man called William Willett, a London builder, who lived in Petts Wood in Kent .
William Willett first proposed the idea of British Summer Time in 1907 in a pamphlet entitled 'The Waste of Daylight'. Willett had noticed that the summer mornings light was wasted while people slept, and that the time would be better utilised in the afternoon by putting the clocks forward. After campaigning for years the British Government finally adopted the system a year after Willett's death.
At 1 am (01:00) GMT on the last Sunday in March we move our clocks forward by one hour for the start of British Summer Time.
Summer time is from the last Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October.At 2 am (01:00) GMT on the last Sunday in October, clocks move back by one hour for the end of British Summer Time.
I hope this makes sense and is just one of of the odd things us Brits do over this side of the pond.
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