Megan (friend) collected all her wedding order, only 2 weeks to go and she is getting excited. Below is a pic of the finished wedding invitation and the order of service.
I have done a brochure which Megan is going to take to the florist when she drops off the petal baskets and keeping my fingers crossed they like what they see and may put some more brides my way.
Every year both Christmas and Birthday's I am tasked with finding gifts for my MIL's bff's. For their Birthday's this year I made a towel and flannel set with their initials embroidered onto the borders and now for Christmas. Joanna Sheens Country Diary CD Rom has turned up just in time, from one of the stationery designs I have made a box of notelets and envelopes, they all enjoy writing to friends and family so hopefully can put these to good use.
I plan to use some of her designs in fabric collage cushions and wall hangings later in the year.
Have a good week Ladies and remember to check out all the wonderful MMP blogs.