Monday, 13 October 2008

Show and Tell Monday

It's that time again, Monday morning and I hope all the pink ladies are ready for Show and Tell. Stop by the pink blogs to see what everyone has been up to last week.

I have an Open House in a week and am sewing and beading night and day here are a few of my latest creations.

Delicate bluebell flowers on a sterling silver chain, red glass crystals with a feather and a cappuccino bracelet.

As you can see my mind is all over the place and each piece is different, I tend to flit like a butterfly when creating and always have several projects on the go at once. My lists of things seem to do grow daily and I have to be very disciplined to complete the lists often finding that the it has grown, items have been made but they were never on there in the first place.

Hoping to do a craft fair at the local girl's school, DH has been firm and said I have got to earn the money first, so here's hoping my sister's event is successful.

Weather is sunny, the badgers are still visiting, the leaves are falling and the trees are turning into a wonderful array of colours. Just a taster this is from my home office window, love Autumn and the anticipation and magic of Christmas.

Just to prove I am working really this is the mess (whoops organised chaos) in my workroom.


  1. Your organised chaos looks much like mine. The frustrating bit is trying to find that particular bead, finding, feather...etc

  2. Hi Caroline....your bluebells are just gorgeous! Good luck with the craft show. :)


  3. Your jewelry pieces are lovely and your workspace looks a lot better than mine!

  4. Love the jewelry...I admire you jewelry gals...I cannot see to do that!!! :-)
    Susan *dutchrose*

  5. Hey Caroline,
    Love your new pieces. Wishing you lots of sales at the upcoming shows!

  6. Hi Caroline! You have been busy! I liked the little bluebells. Sweet. PS: what are badgers?
    Susie of The Polka Dot Rose

  7. Carolee it's understandable how one can be so inspired. Look at the view you have out your office window. WOW!

    Your jewelry is lovely!

  8. Caroline,

    You DON'T want to see my organized chaos. It's frightening!!!

    xo Cathy

  9. Well, it doesn't look that chaotic to me. Uhoh, guess that doesn't say too much for my work area, does it? Your jewelry is lovely, saying a prayer your sister's event turns out sucessfully for you.


  10. Hi Caroline,
    I love the pics of your back yard. Thanks for posting. Your new creations are so nice. I hope you sell lots!

  11. Hi Caroline,, your fall pictures are so pretty. I love all of the color. YOur new jewelry is just gorgeous. I sure hope your sale is a huge success! happy creating..luv,g ail

  12. love the beading. We are the Badger state yet you never see one here. k

  13. Caroline

    I work in organized chaos as well. Your backyard is gorgeous, the leaves are so pretty. Love all the new jewelry pieces.


  14. Love your new jewelry! Your pictures of the fall leaves are so pretty! Thanks for sharing!


  15. Hi Caroline,
    Yes.....organized chaos.....that's a good way of putting it!! I think we all have a bit of that problelm. Caroline, your jewelry is lovely and so unique...I just love it. Good luck at you show. Thanks for sharing and have a good week.

  16. Hi Caroline! I don't even wanna go there when it comes to workspaces! lol Your jewelry is lovely, especially the red crystal beaded necklace. xoxo Andie

  17. Hi Caroline,
    Wow, Love the bluebell flowers jewelry. It looks so pretty! Your workspace is much neater than mine LoL

    Pei Li

  18. I too try to organize but sometimes it is more inspiring to work among the clutter.

  19. Love the bluebell necklace!
    Kimberly :)

  20. Hi you have been tagged! Please see my blog to see what you have to do next.

  21. Your jewellery is gorgeous. Thank you so much for your kind comments :-)

    Laura xx

  22. The mark of a true artist is having "organized chaos". It shows you use your time wisely in creating and are not wasting time by putting things away! Why bother? You'll just be using them again soon anyway, RIIIIGHT?


Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate the time and trouble taken to comment and will publish as soon as possible.