The cherry blossom is beautiful this year and I thought the colour was perfect for a Make Mine Pink show and Tell Monday slot. Apologies for the hound but he follows me everywhere atm.
Went to the car boot sale, not as many cars this week, probably due to the rain yesterday but still buzzing. The view across the fields from the car park is beautiful and my photography does not do it justice.
Well here are my finds, a useful pine shelving unit with hangers, the back needs replacing and I will paint it pale green to compliment my sewing room which is lilac. Thought the brass hangers would be ideal to hang scissors, tape measure etc. Then I can always find them!! The white metal shelves are ideal for my stall, may paint them as well, not too sure yet. Found a box of small pearl buttons, these are always useful and yes I love buttons and finally the roses to add to my tote bags. The lady also remembered that I added them to bags which I thought was good as I cannot sometimes remember what day it is!
Check out the other S & T MMP blogs from the creative ladies of Make Mine Pink.