Finally finished the order for some gym bags, I supply a local Girls' school. They are made out of curtain remnants all different colours and patterns. Delivered on Friday. Now onto the next project, my friend and neighbours promotional bag, or perhaps not got distracted..........

Not wanting to waste the offcuts have started to make some more totes, hopefully they will prove popular.
My mind is buzzing at the moment and I have so many ideas, just finished designing and printing patterns for my next projects. Dear Sister has booked a Christmas Gift Evening in October so need to make, make, make for that.
Wedding anniversary today (29th Sept), 29 years, have a lovely day planned, with breakfast at Maison Blanc then a home cooked meal, Sea Bass with a prawn and cream sauce with oven roasted potatoes, DH's favourite. Supposed to be going to a Ladies Networking event in the evening, do not think this will happen as will be over the limit with the wine, have to stay in a watch Captain Jack Sparrow munching through some chocolate heaven fruit centred truffles. Can just about force myself to sacrifice the networking for the truffles, hard decision! NOT!
Check out all the other blogs from Make Mine Pink and catch up on the tales of daring do at 'The Retreat' last weekend, probably with loads of pictures of chocolate.
Whoops posted early!