Monday 12 August 2024

August 2024 and a sort of Long, Hot, Summer.

After all the rain in spring, ruining bulbs and the frost killing off other plants. Summer has arrived but due to the unpredictably of our weather some of the leaves on the shrubs and trees are turning already! Will soon be buying violas and pansies to fill the pots with winter colour.

After 2 bad falls, both really self inflicted. The first my foot went to sleep, instead of waiting for the feeling to come back, loud crack, bruised and swollen for about 10 days, had to resort to a walking stick. Second fall. Locked ourselves out of the house, borrowed next doors ladder. Before Lee had a chance I shot up the ladder, through the window. The promptly fell of the window sill into the room. Foot hurt again, bruised knee and arm plus ended up with a black eye and squished glasses as hit the waste bin! Not going near a ladder ever again!

Onto creating have a lot of new items in my Folksy shop. The mist recent are in the Newly Listed section. A montage for your perusal.

Happy Summer
